How start-ups win business from corporates
Join us for a practical workshop
For startups, selling to corporates can be a huge scaling opportunity. But doing so can be challenging, and could make the difference between your business’s success or failure. Fundamental disparities between organisations and their working styles can be an obstacle to successful collaboration.
During this practical session, you’ll learn how to match your startup’s lean operations with more silo- and department-driven corporate ways of operating. We’ll explore two types of large organisations, compare them with your stage of business maturity and understand how to overcome the natural mismatch.
Get ready for mission-critical knowledge to scale your business.
- Build a personalised roadmap for you & your business
- Get an overview of engagement phases, their aims, activities and barriers
- Compare your organisation’s operating model to large organisations’
- Differentiate between two types of corporations, the pros & cons of each, and how to approach them
- Get tips and tactics to equip yourself for driving new business forward.
Wednesday, 2nd May 2018, 6:30-8pm
GA London,
The Relay Building
1st Floor,
114 Whitechapel High Street
***Sign up here