Intro This article is part of a series looking at how digitalisation affects an organisation as a whole. We have previously clarified the difference between internal and external digitalisation and why it is essential to get ‘your house in...
How Does Digitalisation Impact Staff? Intro We can all agree that most businesses are ultimately about people. However, from experience we know that there is often a disconnect between HR and business lines. Many HR leaders are rather...
This article is part of a series looking at how digitalisation affects an organisation as a whole. The series explores how essential areas of a business are impacted and interdependent. In the previous articles we looked at the so called hard...
Intro This article is part 3 of a series looking at how digitalisation affects an organisation as a whole. The series explores how different areas of a business are impacted and interdependent. In the previous articles we looked at strategy and...
What to Consider Before Digitalising Orientation in the Digital Jungle Digitalisation is one of THE buzzwords of today. The early e-wave hit some industries (music, publishing) decades ago already. Surprisingly enough, the concept of avant-garde...
Personal attributes might help you become a good leader, market and company insight are important, the development of your skill sets essential, but there is one aspect we haven’t considered enough in this ongoing search for the truth...
This in an on-going discussion and as so often the truth lies somewhere in the middle… If you’ve ever heard someone praise an executive as a “born leader,” you might wonder if anyone is really born to lead. According to extensive research...